Archive for August, 2020

August 8, 2020

Services at Paull Church

There are no services at Paull Church at the moment.  Your are welcome to join our  benefice churches of Paull, Hedon, Preston and Sproatley

Hedon Church Sunday Mornings at 9.30 Holy Communion led by Rev’d Susan Pulko

Sproatley lay led 10 am Morning Service

August 8, 2020

Help is at Hand with a Food Bank

The Benefice churches of Paull, Hedon, Preston and Sproatley

St Andrew’s church Invite people of the Paull community

If you are struggling at the moment please come to

The Food Bank at St Augustine’s Church, Hedon, every Thursday

 10.30 till 12.30

You will be given a food parcel

It would be lovely to see you