Archive for December, 2020

December 15, 2020

Services fro January 2021

Sunday January 10th 2021.  Holy Communion.  Led by Rev’d Sue Pulko

December 1, 2020

Food Bank Parcels

St Augustine’s Church Hedon is open every Thursday for those in need of food.  10.30 am till 12 noon

You are invited to take 12 items of your choice from the table, you will be made welcome so please call round and help yourself it is free


December 1, 2020

Services for December 2020

You are warmly invited to a Sing the Christmas story service

Sunday 20th December 2020 at 3pm

Social distancing rules apply, masks must be worn and hands sanitised on arrival.  There will be no singing by the congregation, the service will be accompanied by CD’S.  All are well known hymns or songs and there will be a variety of lessons which you can follow on your accompanying sheet