Paull Primary School Leaving Service

school 2We had a great school leavers service at St Andrew to say good bye to 8 pupils who will be leaving the primary and moving onto South Holderness Secondary School. We wish Chloe Farmer, Ali Singelton, Corin Sheard, Kia Singelton, Indianna Sheppard and Jonathan Hartley every success in whatever they chose to do.

A Prayer for you all: Heavenly Father, give these children a deep love of learning, and the wisdom to understand how to use the knowledge they gain.  May they know the joy of curiosity and wonders in your beautiful world, may they never stop asking questions.  Bless these children with a deep sense of joy and happiness through their lives.  When the times are hard as sometimes they will be – may they still have a  thankful heart for blessings received and your faithful presence.  Amen

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